Advantages And Disadvantages Of Plastics

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Plastic are lightweight, inexpensive and durable material, which can be shaped readily into a variety of products that are found to be used in a wide range of applications [10]. Plastics are remarkably flexible materials that provide considerable benefits as simple as packaging to complex engineering material, traditional synthetic polymers (called often as plastics), such as polypropylene and polyethylene have been synthesized from non- renewable petrochemicals and are known to cause environmental concerns due to their nature of non-biodegradability [11]. Around 4% of oil and gas production of the world, a non-renewable resource, is used as feedstock for the plastic and about 3-4% more is expended to provide energy for the manufacturing of plastic. A large portion of plastic produced each year is utilized in making disposable…show more content…
PHAs are microbial polyesters which have been receiving a lot of attention as biodegradable alternative to petroleum based plastics. Copolymers of hydroxyvalerate and hydroxybutyrate including PHBV form plastics which have good quality and have been commercially marketed. Many articles have been published pertaining to the manufacturing, application and properties including biodegradability of PHBVs. The wide use of PHBVs is still questioned due to its high cost than the conventional plastic, despite of its environmental benefits [17]. Bio-plastic can also be synthesized by microbial production heterotrophy, which is an effective method due to its greater product flexibility and productivity compared to the ones obtained by photoautotrophy. Nevertheless, such heterotrophic systems, which are mainly established in bacteria, relay on a significant consumption of composite organic compounds. Therefore a heterotrophic approach that requires a less amount of a plain organic substrate is more advisable

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