Advantages And Disadvantages Of International Trade

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International Trade and Foreign Exchange Rate System Every country in the world is bound to perform the interaction with other countries in the vicinity. Usually the form of cooperation or interaction is shaped trade between countries, better known by the term international trade. International trade is a trade done by a resident in a country (antarperorangan, anatar the individual with the government of a country or the government of a country to another) with the other countries on the basis of mutual agreement. International trade is the relationship between the state of economic activity that is realized by the process of the exchange of goods and services on the basis of voluntary and mutually beneficial. International trade is also known…show more content…
Different levels of fertility, natural resources, plants, animals, and minerals and mining. 2) Meet the Needs of National Not all countries can meet their own needs, even if the goods are in production in the country. 3) Mastery of Science and Technology of the State is more master of science and technology will be able to produce more goods and services, and efficient compared to countries that did not hang. 4) The existence of the advantages and disadvantages of production The difference of natural resources and mastery of technology, on the one hand led to an excess production of (surplus) of a type of product, but on the other hand will lead to a shortage of production (shortage) other types of products. Excess domestic production will push the country to sell abroad, while domestic production shortfall will be met by buying from overseas. 5) The Inter-State Transport Advances in technology have created a transportation means of transportation that can reach all countries. 6) differences Tastes Each country has a different culture, way of life, political system and social order. These differences lead to differences in the tastes of various kinds of…show more content…
The ability of people to buy goods / services was by itself will decrease. 4) The International Trade Organisation Regional or countries that are members of the organization in general will gain a certain advantage. On the other hand, countries that are not members of the organization feel the presence of regional or international organization as an obstacle. International Payment Instrument 1.Devisa Meaning and Function of Foreign Exchange Foreign exchange is a tool of foreign payments that can be exchanged for foreign currency. The main function of foreign exchange are as a means of payment in international trade activities. Other functions, among others, to finance the development of the country, pay the foreign debt, and finance activities in foreign countries. Source Foreign exchange reserves can be obtained in the following activities: 1.Hasil sale of goods / services abroad (exports of goods / services). 2.Kegiatan tourism. 3.Investasi abroad and foreign capital investment. 4.Pengiriman labor abroad (foreign remittances). 5.Pinjaman / aid from

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