The Importance Of Success

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Persevering through limiting beliefs and being focused in academics helps to overcome failure and set better goals. Each one of us face challenges and failures in life but all of us take it differently, some may take it positively and some negatively. As a student I also faced a lot of challenges and failures in my academics. I used to think that I can never go ahead, I had become hopeless at one point. After facing failures, I became to assume many things and started creating many kinds of beliefs. Later persevering and stopping to limit my beliefs to overcome failure made me move ahead academically and brought backs all the hopes that I once almost lost it. I learned that having a determination to keep trying to achieve something despite…show more content…
Passion and perseverance matters as much as talent and luck. Similarly, writing down also helped me during those challenging time. It helped me keep myself and my academic stuffs organized. It helped me clear my mind, made me easier to focus on my studies without thoughts behind my head distracting me. It brings back almost forgotten memories and helps us analyze things. Goal-setting also helped me to move ahead and do good in studies. It does not only allow us to control our life’s direction but also help us determine if we are succeeding or not. It is necessary to understand the importance of goal-setting and to know how to set the goals. We need to start with the clear understanding of where we are going and where we are now. Most people work hard and achieve success that are worthless as they really don’t know what they want. If we are not clear about what we want and where we want to go further in life, every step we take will be useless and meaningless. We should never give up and lose hope no matter what the situation is. We should always rise should be able to overcome our…show more content…
Like most of the researches not being successful and has drawbacks, my research paper also has some of the things lacking. All those elements that I talked about may not turn out to be helpful to other people. Everyone may have different experience and perspective. Things that helped me and was useful for me may not turn out to be helpful to others. All the researches that I have done may not be as informative as needed and may have certain drawbacks. It is not that all the people should also do and try the same thing as I did in my case. Everyone may have gained success in different way and they may have used other various ways to be successful. Many people may have been successful as their luck was in their favor or they may have turned out to be lucky. There are other many factors that help you be successful and move ahead in life. Teamwork may be any of the one factor for many people gaining success in life. According to Curran (2015) blogger and an entrepreneur, said that each of needs help of each other once in a while in our lifetime and none of us can gain success without each other’s help. He says that great successful people have been able to gain success because they have some people to support and help them or may have taken help from other people. In contrast one should look at further question to get an idea about the research paper. Having talked
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