1775: The Quebec Act

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In 1775, the Quebec Act became effective. The Quebec act was an act for making more effective terms for the Government of Quebec. The Act made boundaries of Quebec larger, allowing Labrador, IIe d’Anticosti and IIes de la Madeleine in the east and the Aboriginal territory south of the Great Lakes to be included. French-English relations deteriorated to the point of almost tearing the country apart in the time period from 1914 to 1995, shown through acts of the Conscription Crisis, rebellion and separatism. The conscription crisis in Canada impacted the relations between French-English Canadians because it would create distance throughout Canada and cause separation of Quebec. The conscription crisis of 1917 was violent; reactions among people…show more content…
The first task of the liberal party was to boost economic and social standards of Quebec. The second was to have French Canadians recognized and provide them with the opportunity to input ideas about their own future. A slogan known in the Quiet revolution was ”Maîtres chez nous” (``Masters in our own house``) English Canadians ran most businesses in Quebec resulting in French Canadians having less important jobs and a lower wage. The Lesage government began to make changes to the affairs that used to be run by the church. One of the changes was modernizing schools. The relations in Canada were still difficult, French and English Canadians lived in the same country but seemed to live separate lives. Additionally the Union Nationale was founded in 1935. The Union Nationale protected provincial autonomy and economic liberalism. At the centre of the party was Maurice Duplessis, a conservative leader and speaker. The Union Nationale was made up of former conservatives, reforminded former liberals, and Quebec nationalists. The Union Nationale was defeated in the election of 1935, but regained themselves in 1936 with victory. Duplessis was a firm leader; an example of this is the Padlock Law, which passed in1936. The law was used to develop anti-communist feelings in Quebec. It made it illegal for anyone to use a building to discuss communist ideas. The Union Nationale of Duplessis was re-elected in 1944 after accusing both the provincial and the federal Liberals of betraying Québec and violating its rights. The government of Duplessis focused on schools, roads and highways, hospitals and also electrification in rural areas. Duplessis was subject to the Union until he passed away in September, 1959.The new leader Paul Sauvé ran the party until he passed away four months

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