Olaudah Equiano Narrative

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The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African by Olaudah Equiano The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African is a book written by an African man named Olaudah Equiano. He was born in a small village called Essaka in 1745. Equiano narrates his life story and relates many of the hardships of slavery and oppression in a fashion that engulfs the reader with astonishment. The narrative tells of Equiano’s childhood and culture in Africa up until the time of his kidnapping at age ten. He then describes the many hands he passed through in Africa as a slave and how each master treated him, which he later compares to the mistreatment of slaves by white Europeans. Equiano, at one point, did not want to leave the hands of one of his masters in Africa because of how well he was treated. Equiano saw a white man for the first time when he was stolen from his last African master and sold to a slave ship off the coast of Africa. He describes the mistreatment the slaves were given during the middle passage to the sugar islands and America. Upon…show more content…
His journey through the middle passage for the first time as a slave depicts an earlier version of himself that was naïve to the atrocities of man. He witnesses violent misuse of the slaves en route to the West Indies. He describes the African women and girls being raped by the white sailors. Many of the slaves attempted to commit suicide rather than submit to this cruel treatment. The descriptions he made of the condition of the slaves he saw on the islands and how they were being tortured painted such a graphic impression in my mind that it is difficult for me to conceive how many people now frequent these same islands as vacationing places without the slightest convictions of the oppression and suffering that occurred there in the

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