Boston Port Act Dbq

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The Boston Port Act: Passed in June 1, 1774 was one of the first acts responding to the Boston Tea Party. The act stated that the Boston Port would remain closed until the tea that was destroyed was paid for. That affected all the citizens and not only the colonists. The Massachusetts Government Act : This created more outrage than the Boston Port Act. Under its terms almost all positions in the colonial government were to be appointed by the governor, Parliament, or king. This effected the town meetings that were held once a year unless a governor called for one. The Administration Of Justice Act : allowed the governor to move trials of accused royal officials to another colony, or even to Great Britain, if he believed the official could…show more content…
They believed that there was a need to cut ties from the mother country Britain if possible and to end the Cohesive or the Harsh acts. Among the radicals, Sherman denied altogether the legislative authority of Parliament and Henry was of the opinion that the Congress needed to develop a completely new system of governance, independent from Great Britain, for the existing colonial governments were already dissolved. Pennsylvania delegate Joseph Galloway proposed a solution in the form of a plan of union, including the creation of an American Parliament to act with the British Parliament. Each body was to have a veto over the other in matters relating to the colonies. Debate was heated between the radicals and conservatives. Galloway's plan was defeated and there were enough votes to send a petition to the King. Though far from united, the sent Britain The Declaration of Resolves on October 14th 1774. The Declaration outlined colonial objections to the Intolerable Acts, listed a colonial Bill of Rights, and provided a detailed list of grievances. It was similar to the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, passed by the Stamp Act Congress a decade earlier. It was a petition demanding the intolerable acts to be to be…show more content…
The articles of the Continental Association imposed an immediate ban on British tea, and a ban on importing or consuming any goods from Britain ,Ireland and the British West Indies to take effect on December 1, 1774. It also threatened an export ban on any products from the American colonies to Britain, Ireland, or the West Indies, to be enacted only if the complained of acts were not repealed by September 10, 1775; the Articles stated that the export ban was being suspended until this date because of the "earnest desire we have not to injure our fellow-subjects in Great-Britain, Ireland, or the West-Indies." This was a recognition of the need and demand for American goods abroad, though the ban was likely deferred to avoid inflicting immediate economic hardship on American merchants. All American colonists were to direct their agents abroad to also comply with these restrictions, as would all ship

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