Page 4 of 13 - About 125 essays
  • Parent Questionnaire Case Study

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    Nadiv is not consistent with this effort. We have tried explaining to him that this is very necessary at this stage of his educational pursuit. It has been pleasurable because Nadiv has come a long way since middle school when he was diagnosed with ADHD. He has progressed from being severely disorganized with his school work, to a level where he is coping

  • Practice Analysis Social Work

    891 Words  | 4 Pages

    when starting a new role (Knott and Spafford, 2010) The background of the family and my involvement will now be discussed. April is 41 years old and suffers from mental health issues and her partner Mark is 28 suffers from mental health issues, ADHD, Tourette’s, epilepsy and seizures. April has 4 children, two from her pervious relationship and two from Mark. The oldest sideling a girl Hope has left home, the oldest boy Sam aged 15, Alice aged 8, Ben aged 4 live at home. The youngest child Ben

  • Fish Oil Research Paper

    789 Words  | 4 Pages

    FISH OIL Fish oil is oil acquired from the tissues of fish that are oily. Fish oils accommodate the omega-3 acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors of assertive eicosanoids that are accepted to reduce deepening in the body. The fish acclimated as sources do not in fact aftermath omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accrue them by arresting either microalgae or casualty angle that accept accumulated omega-3 fatty acids, calm with a top abundance of antioxidants such

  • Should Children Be Tried As Adults Essay

    1229 Words  | 5 Pages

    A child that commits a serious crime should not be tried as an adult due to a lack of brain development in adolescents. According to Laurence Steinberg, a psychology professor at Temple University, “Brain systems implicated in basic cognitive processes reach adult levels of maturity by mid-adolescence, whereas those that are active in self-regulation do not fully mature until late adolescence or even early adulthood.” As an individual gets older, so do things like their brain, and body. According

  • Evidence Based Practice Examples

    1222 Words  | 5 Pages

    Examples of Evidence-based practices and their use in school social work School social workers often intervene in a wide range of student issues. Interventions may also involve contexts outside the school-setting (e.g., family). To identify the most appropriate approach and intervention to meet the presenting problem at hand, school social workers may turn to a variety of sources in order to determine the most appropriate strategy (see resources at the end of the chapter). This section illustrates

  • Jacob Rodriguez: A Personal Analysis

    991 Words  | 4 Pages

    I’ve followed him many to gain his respect, I’ve became one of the strongest guys in school, I’ve been told that i’m the most muscular guy in school. My talents are having adhd giving me an advantage and working harder and the average person physically stronger and not as easily tired than others. My passions are playing guitar, drawing these are what I how to excel in, i hope to have some mastery in graphic design and guitar

  • Kristin Turney's Article: Sociological Analysis

    1507 Words  | 7 Pages

    Sociological Analysis of Kristin Turney’s Article Introduction Medical sociology refers to the study of how human behavioural patterns influence the overall health of a particular individual in a given society. According to Turney (2014), it is an area that does not only provide information on the causative aspects of ill-behaviours and how they lead to health problems, but also provides remedial insights into solving such ill-behaviours before they culminate into chronic health problems. Then, it

  • Collaborative Approach

    451 Words  | 2 Pages - A Childcare Centre Must Give Focus to Children With Additional and Special Needs Working parents have specific concerns about Child Care for their children under normal circumstances. When the children have additional or special needs, though, these concerns multiply to the point of being overwhelming. For this reason, all childcare centres in Australia should also focus attention of Children with Special Needs to calm the fear of their parents. The Definition of the

  • Tourette Syndrome: Classroom Implications

    1098 Words  | 5 Pages

    (Chaturvedi, Gartin, & Murdick, 2011). Most children with TS show symptoms between three and eight years old and increase in severity through puberty, then decrease over time. Often times, children that have TS also suffer from other disabilities, such as ADHD or OCD, (Chaturvedi, Gartin, & Murdick, 2011). Tourette 
Syndrome is most often in male students. Symptoms tend to range from simple to complex. Simple movements could consists of blinking eyes excessively, while a complex symptom is more severe such

  • Ap Psychology Personal Statement Examples

    489 Words  | 2 Pages

    As part of my undergraduate work psychology majors were required to complete a 100 hour practicum in their field. I was able to work at the Donaldson Wellness Center in Waxahachie, Texas as an undergraduate intern. I worked under the supervision of a Katherine Donaldson Ph.D., Nicole Keehn Psy. D., and Anthony Bean who at the time was a Ph.D. intern completing his hours. Working under each of these individuals allowed me to experience different perspectives into the world of psychology. I had the