Page 1 of 13 - About 125 essays
  • My Experience With ADHD

    626 Words  | 3 Pages

    I ruined countless pens, erasers, and crayons from messing around with them during class. My teachers and my parents didn’t understand why I had such destructive tendencies. I didn’t understand either. Even after getting much-needed treatment for ADHD, I kept ripping apart my erasers, bursting my pens, and making origami with index cards. By the time I transitioned to middle school, I hadn’t outgrown it, even though the teachers were stricter and that sort of behavior wasn’t tolerated. To make

  • Adhd Thesis Statement

    1765 Words  | 8 Pages

    Ryan Mulqueeny ADHD Thesis ADHD Treatment Options ADHD is one of the most prevalent disorders in today’s day and age, especially in children. I have been diagnosed with the disorder itself, so I will be able to offer not only a personal standpoint and opinion, but also the knowledge that I have acquired over the years of treatment and studying the topic. ADHD is also the one of the most, if not the most researched topic for child mental health. However, even though it is widely researched, there

  • ADHD Rhetorical Analysis

    1038 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the United States alone there are approximately 6.4 million kids between the ages of 4-17 are diagnosed with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder, which causes above-normal levels of hyperactive and disruptive behaviors. People who have ADHD tend to have a difficult time with sitting still, paying attention and controlling their impulses. Websites like Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Healthline have been created to help those in need. These websites not

  • Adhd Informative Speech

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    of the astonishing 15% of school age children are believed to have learning disabilities. Even more concerning is the fact that you are also part of an estimated 20% of these children who may develop deficit/hyperactivity disorder otherwise known as ADHD. You have difficulty understanding and following new concepts and once diagnosed with a learning disability of dyscalculia, it became clear that your parents are in the 35% of whom have serious concerns about their ability to cope with their children’s

  • Hidden Dangers Of Adhd Essay

    641 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hidden Dangers of ADHD Medication ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a disorder that causes an individual to not have the ability to control certain behaviors. All individuals that have the disorder ADHD do not carry the same symptoms. Some children that are diagnosed with ADHD are very talkative, easily distracted, and may have a hard time sitting still. There are other treatments besides medication that may help some of these symptoms. Adjusting the environment and behavior modification

  • ADHD Chapter 6 Summary

    589 Words  | 3 Pages

    characteristics of ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. After child is diagnosed with ADHD services surrounding special education and IEP's are provided. Studies of shown that in the last 15 years that the brains attention and Inhibition have decreased with the control. Therapy of cognition behavior is incorporated with technics of self-evaluation, self correction, and self talk that are shown to be effective with additional medical treatment. The daily tasks for parents of students with ADHD may be

  • The Day I Went Wrong With Adhd

    340 Words  | 2 Pages

    The day I was diagnosed with ADHD was a day that lifted the confusion of how the last couple years of my life had been. Before being diagnosed I didn't have an explanation as to why I acted the way I did. I tended to get in trouble at school and at home because I wasn't able to focus and sit still. I thought that because it was hard for me to do what I was told and because I could never focus and I was all over the place all the time that something was wrong with me. In a way I guess there was but

  • Annotated Bibliography: How ADHD Affects Adolescents

    779 Words  | 4 Pages

    Heather Corriveau Annotated Bibliography: How ADHD Affects Adolescents at School Barkley, R. (2010). Why emotional impulsiveness should be a central feature of ADHD. The ADHD Report 18 (4), 1-5. The author gives a detailed explanation of how adolescents in various schools display emotions more quickly even though they do not feel emotions with intensity. According to the author, the emotions of adolescents with ADHD form part of their gestures, behaviors, and verbal

  • Multi Methodology Essay

    503 Words  | 3 Pages

    study "What is the Social Impact of ADHD in Girls? A Multi-Method Assessment" this study was used to determine how social interactions impact girls with ADHD and girls with ADHD plus ODD. The researchers found their participants using local advertisement, and ADHD support groups. The participants were a group of 80 girls’ ages ranging from 9-12. 18 of the girls had ADHD only, 22 of the girls had ADHD + ODD, and the other 40 girls were the control group. The ADHD group had three criteria they had to

  • Persuasive Speech: Prescription Pill Of Either Vyvanse And

    1074 Words  | 5 Pages

    A. Attention Getter – Can I get a show of hands of how many of you are diagnosed with ADHD and take the prescription pill of either Vyvanse or Adderall? 1. Now that we have an idea of how many of you legally take this medication, can I get a show of hands for those of you who take it without a prescription? a. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly seven percent of full time college students take this medication without a prescription. 6 B. Credibility
