Zinc Case Study

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1.1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document describes in detail the entirety of my personal and individual research and work undertaken for the theme “Developing Strategy for Business Responsibility and Sustainability” wholly illustrated by my group in the form of a presentation and a group report submitted earlier. 1.1.1. Overview This document contains information about the following aspects: i. Key areas of research undertaken as well as the sources which had to be referred as a contribution to the presentation including the literature related to each task assigned to me. ii. The key issues and conclusions learnt as a result of undertaking the group assignment on the given topic. iii. An indication of the way in which my individual contribution…show more content…
National Goals also in accordance with UNSDG : National goal of Hindustan Zinc Limited is fighting malnutrition. This can be met through use of Zinc in fertilizers and follows the “Zinc Saves Kids” initiative that IZA had launched with UNICEF. Industry Imperatives for Sustainability: It is well known that metal industry requires reusable materials. The major application of Zinc is in galvanization. As mines are shutting down rapidly, there may be a shortfall in supply of zinc to meet growing demand. There needs to be more innovation in terms of substitutes as well as better use of by-products like Cadmium and Silver. Mine life has already been increased by 25 years thus ensuring a repetition of this ought to be the main strategy. 1.2.2. INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION There were four key resources we had to find out about namely, the human resource, technology, finance and operations. We had to determine the impact these aspects would have on the whole. I took up the task of understanding how important human resource is to an organization like Hindustan Zinc Limited and what are the strategies they have regarding this key resource. Can there be any further improvement they can make in this area was also pondered over and finally a few conclusions were…show more content…
IMPACT OF MY CONTRIBUTION 1.5.1. IMPACT The task was for the entire team and the dynamics between the members satisfactory. The group has worked hard to complete all the tasks that were given. We were in sync with good communication amongst the team members. I would like to take this opportunity to say that the participation of each member was commendable. With each task, the members were given specific sections with their tasks well defined. The team decided on the direction we should move in on the basis of the elaborate discussions we had. In the absence of any member, we were quick to devise the work among the remaining members. My contribution were suggesting possible strategies that can be taken up by HZL when it comes to human resource. I have been taking initiatives by choosing the task I can cover well and delivering the needed report before the mentioned deadline. Therefore, I can say that my individual contribution along with the group’s contribution has resulted in successful completion of the tasks. 1.6. CONCLUSION HZL is a huge entity and based on their annual reports as well as other data available online, I have been able to cover the major issues that I felt could arise. It was an enriching

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