Wrong Time Medication

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A. Problem and Purpose 1. Was the problem statement clearly stated? Answer: The problem was clearly stated and is supported by quantitative data. The article states the prevalence of wrong time medication administration errors via EMAR and its contributing factors. The article explains how this issue is a high risk to patient safety and can ultimately result in severe harm, death, and fetal consequences. 2. Was the purpose of the research clearly supported? Answer: The research of the prevalence and causes of wrong time medication administration is supported by quantitative descriptive data conducted in a private tertiary care university hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. The study was able to show a high percent of WTMAE during the hospital…show more content…
• The nurse was busy • The nurse forgot to record the medication administration on time or technical issues entering the medication into the system. • Patient left the unit for a procedure. • Medication ordered for patient on NPO status. The effects shown in the “Breakdown of Administration Record” located on page 5 displays the different shifts and the impact of wrong time medication errors on these shifts. The greatest number of medication administration was reported in the evening whereas the greatest percentage of wrong time administration was reported at night. The dependent variable in the article, which is also known as the outcome just suggest that staff members be more aware of the importance of on time medication administration. They don’t give descriptive details on how to accomplish this or ways to improve on the issue. 4. Does the purpose of the research have significance for nursing? Answer: The research on wrong time medication administration errors has significance on how the EMAR can capture the administration of medications in a timely manner and help in the reduction of…show more content…
The researchers compared the International studies on medication administration errors to have background information to gather data on the eMAR system to enhance the study. The researchers developed charts to breakdown the on time doses compared to the wrong time doses, reasons why medications were late, and the shifts to which medication administration had the most issues with giving medications on time. 3. Was the number of data collection points appropriate? Answer: The number of data collection points in this study was appropriate because the researchers were able to provide data to measure the wrong time medications errors on different shifts and units. Researchers also documented the main reasons for medication errors. 4. Did the design minimize biases and threats to the internal and external validity of the study? Answer: The researchers attempted to minimize biases and threats through randomness. In this study researches conducted their study in a hospital each patient had an equal chance of being selected because they took most of their randomness to control the confounding variables and reduce

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