Immanuel Kant's Argumentative Analysis

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Murder is known as the heinous act of taking another life. There’s no way that such an action be permissible, is there? The fact of the matter is that there is no one way to answer that question. Nor is it possible to definitively answer many questions that society asks; should gays be allowed to marry? Should an adult have the ability to decide whether to abort an unborn fetus? It may be hard for some to realize, but there is no black or white when it comes to morals. Immanuel Kant’s absolutists ideal of the categorical imperative is an unrealistic, utopian claim. While it’s cute idea and the world would be a better place if such a line was easily drawn between certain actions, a moral compass is simply relative to a certain group or culture.…show more content…
One who is an absolutists, however, could be arguably intolerant in nature. For one person to tell another that abortion or murder or dishonesty is always wrong lacks tolerance and insight to that persons circumstance or personal opinions. If a man were to come home to find his daughter and wife being beaten and raped, and the only way to save the lives of his family was to use his firearm for self-defense, could one really argue that sitting idly by is more moral than saving your family? If a man or a woman suffering of HIV/AIDS were to walk into a pharmacy to pick up their medication only to find out that a young corporate executive recently bought the patent rights to your medication and increased the price 5000%, could it be justified if that man or woman was unable to pay for the medication and stole it when the pharmacist was not looking? These issues are unfortunately not made up and the dilemmas we face on a daily basis plague our sense of right and wrong. However there is an opposite extreme in terms of morality, that being subjectivism. This could be considered the anarchy of morality. Louis Polman on page sixteen illustrates that Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy would be as morally correct as Ghandi as long as they adhered to their individual set of beliefs. This creates many gaps in morality and allows for an unstructured establishment of individuals. Moral relativism is the most flexible, tolerant, and understandable school of

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