Working Conditions During The Industrial Revolution

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Working Conditions Notes: • The working conditions and experiences of men, women and children during the Industrial Revolution varied from person to person and from one industry to other. • Life was very different for those in the factories and who struggled to survive on low wages and were forced to work in hard conditions, as owners operated for a time without any government regulation. • Long working days took their toll on families, and children were dragged into working life with little opportunity for education. • Children were seen as ideal employees because they were small enough to fit between the new machinery, they were cheap to employ and their families were grateful for the extra income. • There was no real concern about children’s education being affected as education was not compulsory and most families could not afford the fees of the school. • Children often started work at the age of four or five. However, in many cases child workers were orphans provided to the factories or mills by the local authorities.…show more content…
This is a very helpful secondary source of information which tells you everything that had happened with the workers while working in the coal mines and factories. In first minute, the clip shows you the amount of pain that both children and women had to suffer, was unbearable. Children started working at the age of four and five and had worked very hard when they were six in coal mines or factories. They had to work for very long hours for very little or no pay. Women had to carry baskets of coal on their back where they tie the handle around their head which could sometimes pull their hair. Comparing this information to the modern life, people don’t get beaten up by their supervisors or
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