Transcendence And Sociological Function

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Amazing Spider-man II is one of the most popular movies in last years. Its story and movie affection makes people very impressive and excited. It is a superhero film which talks about how the spider-man, Peter, fights with two major negative characters, Electro and Harry, deals with his love with Gwen, and finds the mystery of his parents (Amazing Spider-man II). In the movie Amazing Spider-man II, it can be found that there are two functions were used. They are transcendence and sociological functions. And these two functions will be analyzed by using examples. Transcendence function is presented in two ways. Both transcendences are not about the death of body, but they still can be considered rebirth. The first transcendence is that one of the…show more content…
In this function, it can be analyzed in two aspects. The first aspect is about the Spider-man as a positive powerful section. Through the Spider-man, it can be seen that a person who has a stronger capacity should be responsible for the society and common people. In the movie, when the monster or negative force occur, the Spider-man always put himself forward in order to save the city and citizens by defeating the negative power. On the other hand, vicious power will be wiped out from people’s normal life. In the movie, the monster, Electro, who seems very powerful but destroyed the city a lot, was beat by Spider-man and finally disappeared. Harry, as another vicious power, was caught by the police at the end of the fight with Spider-man. Although he created a new monster at the end of the movie, the monster seems will be defeated by Spider-man since Peter was willing to be a Spider-man again (Amazing Spider-man II). In this way, the movie tells people to be a good person likes the Spider-man, who can keep the city in order and save others if has enough ability. And tells people not to be a person who always effect badly in the city and destroy the common

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