Is The Great Gatsby Relevant Today Essay

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" The Great Gatsby" is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and is considered a classic of American literature. The novel is set in Long Island's North Shore and New York City in the 1920s. Nick Carraway who is the narrator is a young Ivy league mid westerner who moves to Long Island, he is fascinated by his neighbor Jay Gatsby who has a party each weekend at his mansion. Nick is invited to a party, he attends and asks about Gatsby and soon realizes that most of the people don’t even know about Gatsby or have even seen him. Nick finally meets Gastby and is drawn into Gatsby's circle meaning that he learns about his past etc. Daisy Buchanan is Nick's second cousin once removed, whom Gatsby was in love with before because Gatsby was rich and…show more content…
The American dream is an idea that each citizen in the United States should have equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity regardless of background and being rich or poor. The novel even though being set in the 1920s is still relevant to today due to the fact that people wanted to strive for riches and end up being successful in America. In Fitzgerald’s novel we see that Gatsby whom was born poor wanted to be rich, this is relevant to today because everyone in this day & age wants to strive and be…show more content…
Jay Gatsby is a very deceptive character in this novel. Jay Gatsby being the main character is also in my opinion one of the most relatable. Gatsby can be relatable in the fact that he shares similar goals then most people in this world i.e. becoming successful. Gatsby as well can be relatable to teenagers in a way, I was able to to relate to Gatsby because of his goal of getting Daisy at one point in our lives we have found someone we have loved and made a promise to get that someone. Another factor that makes Gatsby appealing to me is that as progressing through the novel we see how more of Gatsby is revealed this shows how deceptive Gatsby is in the

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