The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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Rough 1760 the Industrial Revolution started in Europe and America. Mostly rural areas were tuning into all factories and becoming industrial urban areas. The transition lasted around 60 to 80 years, although the Industrial Revolution may have marked a major turning point in history, it had both pros and cons because of economic growth, improved transportation and, working conditions in factories. The Industrial Revolution changed lives of people for the good. Some ways that it had changed is economic growth. More goods were being made because of the factories being able to produce product faster than normal rate. It was helping bring more income from people buying the goods. During this time there was also better means of transportation. People figured out that the cheapest way of transporting goods was by water. People also used roads and railways but they weren't as cheap. That is how they traded and sold goods to other areas after they produced them out of the factories. Working conditions also got better at this time in the factories because the workers were provided a living space.Some negative aspects of this Revolution were the horrible working conditions and also the life expectancy of people. The average age of adults was around 40, in the 1900s it raised to be about 47. This was because of health…show more content…
The Industrial Revolution made its way to the United States in the 19th century. Before the revolution providers of goods usually lived on farms and worked with their families to produce goods. The men made shoes and women made soaps, candles and, spun yarn to make clothing. Some other things that were made from their home were furniture, tools, cloth, hardware, jewelry, leather, silverware, and weapons. When people did not buy these goods they traded food in exchange. As you can see the factories helped make these products faster and more
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