Positive And Negative Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was an immense change that affected every part of life. It was a time period between the late eighteenth century and early twentieth century in which technology, production, and society quickly changed. Before the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing had been done primarily in the home, using basic machines or by hand. While industrialization was the beginning of mass production, it also brought about poor living conditions for the lower class and horrible work settings. The positive ramifications of the Industrial Revolution outweigh the many negative aspects of it because the Revolution caused improvements in education, quality of life, and technology. The Industrial Revolution had many negative aspects. Take,…show more content…
Kids were especially useful in mines because of their small size. Consequently, children were often employed by factories during the Industrial Revolution. Doctor Turner Thackrah had seen some of the children in Manchester. He recounted the event stating, “The children were almost universally ill-looking, small, sickly, barefoot, and ill-clad. Many appeared to be no older than seven.” (Baines 462) Countless children suffered from poor heath, maimed limbs, and early death. Another key point is the poor living conditions of the lower class. Workers poured in from the countryside, to work in the cities where factories were built. Most of Europe’s urban regions at least doubled in population during this time. As a result, the lives of those families were completely reconstructed. A Coal Putter, Isabel Wilson, gave a testimony to the conditions which many workers lived during the Industrial Revolution,“ Nine sleep in two bedsteads….and the whole of the other furniture consisted of two chairs, three stools, a table, a kail-pot (soup-pot), and a few broken basins and cups. Upon (being asked)....if the furniture was all they had, the guid (good) wife said, furniture was of no use....” The working-class people had
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