The Great Industrial Revolution Between 1760 And 1850

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Introduction The great Industrial Revolution opened its path towards a new way of life. It helped to flourish the economy around the world. The revolution helped to bring an end to the traditional agricultural based economy to a new westernized economy which saw major growth in areas such as modern agriculture, transportation, coal mining, iron, textiles, and steam. The human living conditions remain to be talking point throughout the period of Industrial revolution. The advantages of this revolution are huge as people made good money and improved their earning potential. However, the labor working conditions are criticized throughout this period of revolution between 1760 and 1850. In this article, we would analyze the changes that happened…show more content…
The large landscape of America forced investors to rethink their strategy as many showed hesitation on in making large-scale investments in expensive machines. However with the abundant growth seen in England as a result of the revolution, the transformation from human-made products to machine made products helped to rise in the economy and made a huge impact in standard of living. The first major breakthrough happened through cotton production in America. As the rise in productivity spurred the economic growth, it remains to be the first step towards economic independence. The new economic strategies helped industrialization to expand in a fast pace. One of the strategies includes the “Outwork System” introduced during the peak of the revolution. According to this strategy, a larger production process is carried out through the involvement of small groups. For example, the shoe-making process is the best instance where different methodologies are followed in various homes before the end products are gathered on a large scale for final supply. The strategy helped further to a new system, where large groups are brought in to work in one common destination which was called the factory. The initial working class in this factory system is largely comprised of women workers. The businessmen employed women workers in cotton mills which helped them to save labor wages to a maximum as compared to the male workers. In this environment, women also felt economic independence as the industrial revolution gives them freedom of self-independence and kept them away from competition where men mostly dominate the large farmland. These changes brought in serious social impact with a rise in gender divide during this period. This is seen as a negative impact during this most important period of transformation. As production flourished and the economy moved on, there are demands for labor wages which also had another major impact in

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