Word Recognition Process Analysis

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“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go” (Seuss, 1978 ). Dr. Seuss is famous for creating stories that were, “simultaneously wacky, inviting and subliminally educational” (Shaw & Shea, 2006). Nevertheless, they created and continue to create a positive impact on the development of literacy in children and adults throughout this world. Word recognition is a process; it does not happen automatically. Therefore, as teachers we must embrace this process and use the best effective strategies to promote, teach, practice, and foster the word recognition process. Today, we are going to look at five different components: literacy-rich environment, teacher-directed or led instruction, independent activities, and assessments: progress monitoring, and outside of class connections and compare two classrooms in that component. Then I am going to identify the factors that makes one classroom stand out over another based from relevant research and the connection to the Minnesota Academic Standards.…show more content…
Classroom A has a many opportunities for the students to be exposed to words in their classroom. The classroom has a huge classroom library and many technology devices for the students to use for practicing their word recognition. Each student has their very own level book box that includes 3-5 books. In addition to the students keep a reading journal about the words they are working on in spelling and vocabulary. Each day the students received a whole group mini-lesson and then work on their “Daily Five.” While the students are working on their Daily Five the teacher is instructing or conferencing individuals or small groups. Once a week the students have the opportunity to go to the school library to select a reading book to take home. Also they do reading buddies with a younger

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