Women's Rights In The 1800s

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Women’s Suffrage After working hard for 100 years, women’s equality changed dramatically when the 19th Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote. Shortly after the Civil War, a Woman's Right National American Woman Suffrage Association was established. In the 1800s, women were recognized as second class citizens and were expected to take care of the family and cook food. They were restricted from education, voting, and working. Many powerful and strong women arose, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton during this movement. These women and many more spent 50 years educating public all over the states about this movement. “We all know the famous quote, ‘All men are equal’ but how come it is not ‘All women are equal?’…show more content…
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B Anthony had one thing in common, fighting for womens’ rights. Elizabeth Cady Stanton became involved in the abolitionist movement (Elizabeth Cady Stanton). Some of Stanton’s goals were not simply the right to vote, but respecting human rights. She felt men could not represent them. Stanton developed a strong feeling for individualism when also married, women should have in a say equally as much as men do (American National Biography Online: Stanton, Elizabeth Cady). She believed in voting rights, educational rights and working…show more content…
Many events occurred leading to the biggest event in women’s history. These women never stopped trying back in the day, Susan B Anthony was arrested and was tried for illegally voting in 1873. In November of 1874 in Cleveland, Ohio The Women's’ Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was founded. In 1879, Frances Willard took over leadership (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union). The WCTU then became one of the largest and most influential women’s groups of the 19th century. It expanded its platform campaign for labor laws, prison reform, and suffrage (Woman's Christian Temperance Union). On January 10th, 1878 the Anthony Amendment to extend the vote to women was introduced for the first time in the United States Congress. In the year 1890, with the tough work and the fight over the 15th amendment long past, the two organizations combined and founded the National American Woman’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA). The founding of the NAWSA was marked as an incredible step in the national fight for women’s right to vote. The states controlled the time, place, and manner of elections that also included whether or not women could participate. Therefore, the state legislature would have to ratify any amendment that Congress had

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