The Impact Of Women's Suffrage Movement

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Throughout most of history women in the US did not enjoy many civil rights and one of them was the right to vote. it was only after the effect of the women's suffrage that they were finally able to vote and have some civil liberties. the photo describes and example of the many ways that women were trying to promote and obtain their rights. during the suffrage women improved economically and politically as well. This shows a picture of a woman holding a baby in her arms as she looks at them with love. Then underneath the photo it is written that " Women bring all voters into the world, let them vote. Therefore, it is stating the fact that women give birth to children, and it is more focused on males. These mothers then raise care and teach…show more content…
The equality between women and men become more prominent and the social conditions for women began to change. These changes led to bring the birth of Women's Suffrage Movement. Even thought, women were still considered weaker than men, they started to receive more educational opportunities. By the end of the century the number of educated women started to increase. Higher education was broadened by the rise of women's colleges and the admission of women to regular colleges and universities. In the 1800's women were stuck in the Cult of Domesticity. Women were seen as less superior and weaker to men. They were labeled as the moral keepers for societies as well as the non-working house-wives for families. Also, women were considered unequal to all men legally and socially. However, women's efforts during the 1800's were effective in challenging a women's place in…show more content…
As a result, women began to ask themselves why they were not allowed to vote. The first major public appeal for women's suffrage came in 1848 when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton called for a women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. At the convention they created the Declaration of Sentiments. The Declaration of Sentiments demanded for women to have equal rights to men in education, property, voting, and other issues. Leaders of the suffrage movement constantly strived for women to have the right to vote so that they could use it to gain other rights. However, the suffragists faced many struggles on the road to equality. Most people who opposed woman suffrage believed that women were less intelligent, therefore they could not make good political decisions like men. The drive for woman suffrage gained strength after the 15th amendment to the Constitution was created, which gave the black men the right to vote but not any women. Women had three approaches to achieving the right to vote. The first one was to ask states to grant them the right to vote. This worked for a few states but mostly failed. The second approach was to present court cases by saying that they are citizens just as much as men are and that therefore they should be granted the fourth amendment as well. The third and final approach was to push for a national constitutional

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