Women's Reform Movement In The 1800s

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I am a Progressive at the Turn of the Century The Progressive Reform Movement played an instrumental role in uplifting American society to new heights. Reform became very popular in the mid to late 1800s. Most reformers in this time were women, African Americans, and Native Americans, because they were still neglected. These groups started reform movements to make the public notice and to influence the political policies. Reformers believed they were following God’s word. Women had nearly no rights in the 1800s. Thus came the Women’s Rights Movement. Women participated in the abolition and temperance movements by raising money, writing literature, and collecting signatures for the antislavery petitions and delivering them to congress. This work helped women to improve their education. Soon after, schools and other education institutes offered a wide variety of classes for women. The Women’s Rights Movement improved the lives of women and the schools gave them something to do outside the house. Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott were abolitionist that held the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, over three hundred women took in attendance. The started a resolution that said all their grievances and this asked for the women to have rights to vote. This reform had a huge impact on women’s lives then and helped to shape…show more content…
The reformers for Women’s Rights shaped the life women have today. In the 1800s women had no rights and were seen in society as successful. Life for women in the 1800s consisted of having to stay home and take care of the children. The reform for women to become more prominent in society was a huge success. Schools were opened for women to better themselves and make themselves have a successful life outside the home. In today’s society, women can hold the same level job as a man can have. Women have more choices today, they can have a business career or stay home and take care of the

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