Women And Feminism In India

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Right from the old days, India is a male-ruled society. Indian women were bound with numerous a thick, slack layers of prejudice, tradition, ignorance and silence in writing and in life as well. Woman was a lifeless object, who has to follow five paces behind their men… they must be delicate, persistent, generous, and for generations together. Bengali women were hidden behind the banished windows of half dark rooms, spending hundreds of years in washing garments, kneading dough and murmuring aloud verses from The Bhagavad-Gita and The Ramayana in the dim light of grimy lamps. But with the effect of the western education and culture, the Indian woman has emerged as a new being. Another feminine literary convention has spawned out of the curiosities and anxieties of woman's life. Today the Indian woman is no more a Damayanti, she is a Draupadi or a Nora or Joan of Arc. Feminism, as a new way of life, as a new point of view, came into existence in India with the feminine psyche, trying to redefine woman’s role in the society.…show more content…
Her concern is with the human predicament. As a chronicler of human relationships, she is excellent. The clash between tradition and modernity and tensions generated by it has been authentically presented. Deshpande does not provide ready-made solutions, she believes, in literary writing One does not pose a problem and present a solution. It’s not maths, but the vision of humanity and the value-based fabric of life that she projects are of great

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