Women's Roles In Indian Literature

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There was also a time when it was a sin to hold a pen for women. Writing was thought to be a male bastion only. Woman was the queen of her four walls and a roof under which she could do anything feminine but not writing that was only a masculine task. Mary Shelley’s most popular science fiction Frankenstein was first published anonymously. Mary Ann Evans used the pseudonym George Eliot to write her novels. Robert Southy had told Charlotte Bronte that “literature cannot be the business of women’s life and it ought not to be” (108) Thanks to the Feminist Movement of the twentieth century that metamorphosed the attitude and perception of the world. It provided a better understanding of women’s issues and rights and endeavored to bring them forward…show more content…
Earlier male writers had projected the image of women as beloved wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers and other roles related to men. But they were not able to depict the feelings hid-den in their hearts, their pains and sufferings, their thoughts relating to different aspects of life. They have shown them as embodiments of love, beauty, purity, faithfulness and many such qualities. They have shown them both as weak and noble characters but not as characters filled with boldness and strength. And so it was for the woman writers to depict a realistic picture of women’s characters and lives. A close study of many women novelists clearly shows that they are unique in their ways. Though they speak in different voices, their motives are the same. Their writing styles may be different from each other but their attitudes are similar. They believe that women are human beings like men and not inferior creatures. The customs and the traditions existing in patriarchal society should be changed. They have shown the situation of women in their writings in their society. Even today in many places, women are confined to the four walls of the house and are without any freedom to acquire

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