Why Is Lying Bad

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People might say that lying is bad and should not be done. Honestly, lying is not that bad. If you think about it, We all do it. No matter what, we have all lied at least one time in our life. People lie for many different reasons, Some people lie to protect others, Some to not hurt someone’s self-esteem and sometimes, they lie for an emergency. Those types of lies are perfectly okay. If you start to lie about someone, maybe starting rumors, then that is perfectly not okay. That type of lying is just to hurt another person. Lying in some cases is okay. Not all exact lying is bad. If your mom was diagnosed with cancer and she asked you to not tell your father because his stress levels would exceed, would you listen to your mother and…show more content…
Or would you tell him the truth? It all depends on you. If you would tell your father the truth it would exceed his stress levels. If you didn’t he wouldn’t know about it ,but it wouldn’t bring his health down. If you lie in an emergency, then it wouldn’t hurt anyone because you had a reason to lie. If your friend was going to a special event and asked you how she looked in that outfit, what would you say? If you were on the road to the event, then the appropriate thing to say would be, you look great! If you were still in the hotel room then a different outfit suggestion would be okay. That type of lying was to not hurt your friend’s self-esteem. It's okay to lie at that point. It's okay because you're trying not to hurt their feelings. Now let’s say you're walking down the street and a stranger comes up to you, threatening your life if you don't tell him where your friend’s money is. Would you lie and help out a friend? Or would you help out the thief and tell him where your…show more content…
Yes, it does hurt someone’s feelings because you lied. For example, you and your friend had made plans to go watch a movie together. Later you decide you don't want to go. Then you end up going with another friend to watch the exact same movie. The next day, your friend asks you why didn’t you go? At this point, I would suggest to say the truth because if they end up finding out by another person, it would hurt them more. However, if you tell them the truth, it would hurt them more because you decided to go with another person and ditching them. If you lied that you felt sick, it wouldn’t be bad. It wouldn’t be bad because you're trying to not hurt their feelings and if they later found out, it wouldn’t hurt them as much because they would
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