A Career As An Orthodontist

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There are many different careers that I want to pursue throughout my life span. I want to be able to have a stable job that I love and want to excel in my line of career. I have different careers that I want to try that will suit my attributes such as being a Orthodontist, Computer design, game design, Gym teacher, and Entrepreneur. Throughout the essay I will be discussing the varies different reasons why I choice this. Orthodontist deal with teeth they constructer jaws and fix teeth. Orthodontist requires a bachelor’s degree, 4 years of dental school, and a additional 2 to 3 years of training. Orthodontist salary can range from $65,000 to $650,000 in 2012 the wage for Orthodontist was 182,320.To be A Orthodontist takes a lot of work and dedication for the career. Benefits of being a Orthodontist is your medical expenses are paid for.…show more content…
What does a computer designer do you ask? well good question , A computer is someone who works with graphic , and design via computer programs for drafting. They create a variety of muti-media products for clients such as technical drawing, blue prints, layouts, and design of publication. A computer design typically needs a bachelor’s degree. Annual salary is based on the experience on the field more experience the more money but 6 years of education can get you up to 86,000 a year .Best college for this career is University of Pennsylvania. Benefits of this career choice is that you work at the comfort of your

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