I Want A Wife, By Judy Brady

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“I Want a Wife,” by Judy Brady is about her expressing her underlying message geared towards feminism, where she explains the inequality women went and still go through today. Throughout the essay she creates a list based on all the things she feels that men take for granted and expect the women to do. Brady also repetitively uses the phrase, “I Want a…” to express the selfish and ignorance men have when it comes to looking for a women to marry. In my imitation, “I Want a Baby,” I wrote about a teacher who concludes that she wants a baby because of the benefits. Similar to Judy Brady’s essay, “I Want a Wife,” expressing an overall feminist message, my imitation, “I Want a Baby,” mirrors the original by following the same basic sentence structure,…show more content…
Brady’s use of “I Want a…” was in a satire way to express a feminist message of exposing men’s thoughts and expressing how they want everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. However, she does that by her repetitive use of “I Want a…” I also used many “I’s” for example, “I want a baby that I can call my own” or “I want a baby that I can feed baby food to” to mimic her style of writing in a parody way. Not only did I mimic her sentence structure, but also her starting, “Why do I want a wife” question and her last concluding “my god, who wouldn’t want a wife” phrase. I followed her essay and used the same starting questions because I felt that it was an important aspect of getter her message across and it made it seemed as if she was having a conversation with a person. I also used her last concluding phrase, but added my twist by saying, “OH MY GOD, I want a baby” to show how I came to the realization that I wanted a…show more content…
I used the first person point-of-view to make the essay a little for personal and relatable making it easier to read. By using the first person point-of-view in my essay it shows how I will feel if I become a teacher and also how some teachers may feel and real thoughts they may have when it comes to thinking about babies. In Brady’s essay, she used first person because she was experiencing and actually lived through the things she mentioned which helped build up her credibility. I also used real quotes for my previous teachers which helped me in my credibility. By imitating her use of first person point in my essay, I felt it made the essay a little bit easier to read, write and grab attention because its parody form and I’m still too young to actually know if I want a baby. They say laughter is the best medicine so making a parody form of “I Want a Wife” expect in first person point-of-view and in the role of a teacher makes it interesting to see my take of a teacher
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