Social Responsibility In Society

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Everyone likes to feel like they are a good person contributing to society. Nobody wants to be the odd person in the crowd. People want to feel like a part of the team. Today’s society caters to everyone’s emotions and makes sure that everyone is happy. The government makes sure of this because what government wants an unhappy populace that thinks the government has abandoned them. The way that this is achieved is through an idea known as Social responsibility. Social responsibility is a false idea created to make people feel good about themselves. Most people are not genuinely nice. Hatred, greed, anger, and self gratification is rooted deeply into human nature. Most people know this and to make them feel as if they are not one of those “bad”…show more content…
One story from my experience that supports this deals with a pastor. My family runs a landscaping business. One day we were hired by a pastor at a local church to redo his yard. Pastors are looked upon by people as good respectable people in the world. When my dad was talking to this pastor, the pastor said “I need to sell that church as soon as I can because all I have there is a bunch of old people who are dying on me. Eventually I will have no one to preach to and no way to make money. If I sell that “trash” place I could get some money out of it and move somewhere else and make a bigger church and make more money from there....” Does that sound like the words of a pastor? A person who is looked upon by others as a respectable good person who talks like that is not a socially responsible person. And if a pastor isn't socially responsible why would someone else be. Just like it is said in the movie Scarface, “...What does that make you?? Good?? Nah. You’re not good. All you know what to do is lie. And hide….” In that scene Scarface is talking to everyone in a restaurant because they are all staring at him when his wife leaves…show more content…
I think they are dumb. They believe it exists because they are foolish enough to believe that everything the government says is the truth. Bottom line with the government is that they tell the public what the public wants to hear. The fault does not fall upon the government or the people who believe them, it actually falls upon the false teachings of their parents and teachers. I look upon my generation today and think that as a species, we won't last another 100 years. It is not the fault of the kids it's the adults. The adults are teaching wrong ideals and idiotic things to these kids and they end up worse than the previous generation. And then what happens when they have kids? Well the same happens. But it's not just parents. Teachers too. Teachers these days are cramming pointless skills and even less important knowledge into kids’ heads. Here is a good question for whoever is reading this, I am not going to college so keep this in mind, when will I ever need to know how to write an essay like this ever again? This is what I'm talking about. Pointless lessons and skills that do not pertain to my future. Advanced math, Rhetorical precís, physics, history, all of it is a waste of time if I'm not going to use it later in life. And it is the teachers and their bosses ideas to teach this crap to the students. And who can we thank for the horrid creation of common core? Non other than president
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