Why Hacking Is Always Bad

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Technology and Computer Science What is hacking? Is it always bad? by Yousef Majeed 201568070 English 102 – 06 / 26 An Introduction to Report Writing For Mr. Stephen Gill 3 August 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 3 Background …....…………………………………………….………………………. 3 I. What is Hacking?……………….………………………………………………... 4 A. Definition ……...………………………………………………………….. 4 B. Types of Hacking …..…………………………………….…………….. 4 II. What is a Hacker? ………………………………………………….…………... 5 A. Definition ………………………………………………….………….…… 5 B. Types of Hackers ………….…………………………….……………... 5 1. Good Hacker ……………………...……………….…………….. 5 2. Bad Hacker ………………………………………………………… 5 3. What's the Difference? ……………………….…………….. 6 III. Effects and…show more content…
7 Bibliography ………..………………………………………………..………………. 8 1 Introduction Hacking is an Art of Exploitation. Some people say that getting unauthorized access to some online files, website, emails etc. is Hacking. Most people when they hear the word Hacking think of breaking the security through some automatic magical software and getting an unauthorized access to systems. Actually, it is wrong. This report will classify it later and will come to know different types of hacking and hackers. 2 Background It all began in the 1960s at MIT, origin of the term “hacker”, where extremely skilled individuals practiced hardcore programming in Java and other older languages. Some may ignorantly dub them “nerds” or “geeks” but these individuals were, by far, the most intelligent, individual, and intellectually advanced people who happen to be the pioneers and forefathers of the talented individuals that are today the true hackers. At the end of last week, criminals carried out a serious hacking attack, which affected countries all over the world. The cyber-attack saw a harmful computer program spread to about 150 countries, including the UK, Spain, Russia, the US and China. The program - which is called WannaCry - has caused chaos for many organizations. But the actions of a 22-year-old called Marcus - a UK security researcher who has his own company - helped to limit the…show more content…
The Wannacry program worked by locking down computer systems and demanding that people paid money in order to be able to get back into their system. In the UK, the computer systems of hospitals and doctors surgeries were the most affected by the attack. Some hospitals had to cancel treatment and appointments, while many doctors were forced to use pens and paper to do their jobs, as their computers weren't working. But why do people carry out attacks like this? And is hacking always a bad thing? This report will illustrate this

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