Bill Browder's The Red Notice: A Review

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The book called the Red Notice related the story or journey of a young man that started his career at Stanford Business School. Bill was inspire by his grandfather. Bill had a few internship in prestige finance company in the United State of America. Mr. Browder was stubborn, creative, and ambitious. He always wanted invest in Eastern Europe. For years he tried, but he didn't have enough experience. After couple years late, he interview for BCG, he got the job offer and went to London. Bill wait couple year and then BCG gave him the opportunity to travel to Russia to do some consulting work. After his vain effort in the consultant world. Bill started to invest in the Polish Privatization market. Bill worked for Salomon brother for a year. During his time at Salomon Brothers company he decide to proclaimed himself as the investment banker in charge of Russia. He started to developed a great proposal and send to companies in Easter Europe. As the result of hard work and…show more content…
First and foremost, they related when Bill Browder talks how the Soviet Union was ending. The ending of the Soviet Union lead many foreign investor to acquisition of Russian stock market. Therefore, Russia was challenge to the new democratic, human rights, and liberal ideas from the Western ( Yeremina & Bangor 142). As a consequence, Russia was making some changes in the privatization sector due to Globalization. Globalization was changing all types of business and government law. Technologies was become a huge trend and each countries and companies were adapting or adjusting to the changes of Globalization. However, due to globalization Russia- Moscow was becoming isolated and unable to make any type of trade with the Western countries (Yeremina & Bangor, 142

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