Aurora Attack Case Study

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SYNCHROPHASOR TECHNOLOGY FOR CYBER SECURITY IN SMART GRID P.THANGARATHINAM N.SUGANYA +91 9486052493 +91 9600750288 S.VIGNESH T.PRADDEEP +91 9629340245 +91 9489686137 FINAL YEAR - BE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Kongu Engineering College (Autonomous) Erode, Tamilnadu, ABSTRACT: The smart grid is controlled by an authority personal who uses LAN or the internet to control it. By knowing this information any one from outside can control the smart grid using LAN or the internet, this process of hacking the smart grid control is known as aurora attack. The Aurora attack may pose a risk to rotating machinery operating under certain conditions on the electrical…show more content…
GENARATOR PROTECTION OF EXIXTING SYSTEM: The Aurora attack seeks to exploit the opportunity to connect two electrical systems out of synchronism. This opportunity could arise from an unprotected system or a system not configured to recognize the threat of an Aurora attack. The Aurora attack seeks to take advantage of the time delay between a protective relay recognizing an out-of synchronism issue and the initiation of a protection action. Protective relays continuously sample the voltage and current of the power system and calculate other key protection information based on these samples. The relay must be able to separate a bad data sample from a sudden change in the measured variable. This process of sample verification and signal processing is referred to as filtering. One example of filtering is to average a number of inputs together and use the calculated average for protection decisions. This averaging process helps smooth the signal, but it reduces the speed of the relay for recognizing sudden changes in the system. In order to keep the system connected and avoid separating based on variations in the power system, protection engineers also typically add time delays in the trip command sequence. These delays,

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