Why Do Drugs And Athletes Use Steroids

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Carter Twardowski Mrs. Lukish English IV – Period 4 9 October 2015 Drugs and Athletes Alex Rodriguez, a dominant force in Major League Baseball, childhood hero, father, and liar. When sat down on “60 Minutes”, he was asked “For the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any performance-enhancing substances?” he simply responded with a “No.” (A-Rod: I’ve Never Used Steriods). It took seven years for the “baseball legend” to admit using steroids. He was looked up to as an idol, now he is viewed as a coward because of his untruthfulness. Rodriguez served a year ban from the league, with rights to play for a minor league teams. While all of the other players are working harder than him to earn a spot on a team, he gets away…show more content…
These drugs can be taken by injection, tablet, or even lotion that is rubbed on your skin (Drugs and Athletes). Athletes use these drugs to boost their careers and achieve the goals they have dreamed of as a child. Athletes should not use these performance boosting drugs, the punishment should be more severe that what it is now because it is unfair to the players of whatever league an athlete is in, they are representing themselves and the organization they work for, and steroids are dangerous for their health. Athletes tend to work harder than anyone else, but it is considered unfair because these athletes who use steroids are not working as hard and still making better progress. Use of PEDs can be described as a Olympic runner “cutting across a field” in the four hundred metre race (Mumford). Their work progresses easier than athletes without drugs. Time and dedication is what makes good players great. When players inject substances, don’t work out as much, and do not strive for greatness with hard work; they aren’t idols, they’re cowards. Athletes using substances see themselves as a Tiger Woods type player, but really they are just picking up the golf ball and dropping it in the hole (Mumford). They basically rig the game they play and put it in their own hands. They care about themselves rather than their teammates, and other players in the league. Not only do represent themselves, but they represent…show more content…
In February 2009, Georgia Tech was investigated for not punishing students for taking PEDs, by NCAA rule you have to punish for using the illegal substances. There was “inconsistencies, curious practices, and uncertain accountability” (Parks 54). The investigations would not be in tact if the players did not agree to take the steroids. The athlete’s decision made the organization cheaters and they cannot take that away. Even if the investigations by the NCAA did not happen, by past experiences with athletes and PEDs, the school would only give them a one year ban after three offenses. Yet they would be able to return the next year (Parks 54). Three offenses is too many times for them to return to the same organization. The players should be kicked off for their problems they have accounted to not only the team but the players around them. When they are finished with their one year suspension, they will lose respect from their fans because of their cheating actions. Steroids will make athletes look bad and steroids will be bad for
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