Anabolic Steroids In Sports

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Steroids in Sports (Rough Draft) By Peyton Neet There is a higher percentage of athletes that use steroids in sports, than the clean water access in Africa. Some athletes say steroids should be aloud, however they should not be used because, they are used to cheat the way you play, they are illegal without a prescription, and they swell your body causing internal and physical damage. One big reason athletes shouldn’t use steroids in sports is that it provides a huge disadvantage to those who want to play the fair, not those who cheat. The first reason why athletes should not use steroids in sports is that steroids are used to cheat the way you play. “The “sport as war” view can also lead to a win-at-all costs attitude which may foster the…show more content…
“Charles Yesalis, a steroids expert and epidemiologist at Penn State, has expressed doubts about “roid rage” as well and has been quoted in media.” He is saying “You take a state college on any given weekend and you will see as many cases of alcohol-induced rage as you will see in a hundred years with anabolic steroids.” (Carrington 7) The league commissioner of the NBA (David Stern) said that PED use wasn’t “a problem at the present time that we think we have [Retired NBA Player] Charles Barkley seems to think so. Four years ago, he expressed surprise at Lewis’ steroid suspension, arguing that tall, lithe NBA players simply don’t have physiques that suggest widespread doping.” (Beamish 5) There are those who argue that our attitudes and values related to sports and appearance are too deeply entrenched to change. “If that is true then we must resign ourselves to prospect of children and teens using dangerous drugs with known short-term and unknown long-term negative health consequences.” (Bartone 9) Even though steroids are illegal, they also can hurt or damage your body in a variety of…show more content…
“The way elite athletes protect themselves is real. In surveys administered between 1982 and 1995.” (Douglas 4) The way that elite athletes said that they have or used any sort of substance related to a PED, whether it’s what they do or even competing for an Olympic gold medal, they should have the opportunity to rely on something to fall on if they were to get caught or busted with a substance. When that was put into play was posed to tons of people around the world, not even more that 2% said that they would risk money or what they do to take a PED. “There are some oddities on the list of banned substances, if we’re considering the combination of athletic boost and health risk. Marijuana and heroin are prohibited. Imagine a scenario where you would say “i would have won if the guy who beat me wasn’t strung out” (Douglas 6) “Caffeine, meanwhile, was removed from the banned list in 2004, even though it’s a proven performance enhancer that, when taken in excess, can land you in the hospital….. You know a PED is prevalent when it gets its own phrase “Roid Rage”, or uncontrollable aggression, stems from taking anabolic steroids.” (Douglas 7) “So do kidney and liver damage plus shrunken testicles and enlarged breasts in men and facial hair, a deepened voice, and enlarged clitoris in women.” (Cowart 1) Although steroids damage your
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