White Rabbit Case Study

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Introduction to pet food for rabbits The rabbit is the third most popular pet in the UK. They were introduced to Britain by the Romans and we were keeping them as pets by the nineteenth century. By the middle of the century, the showing of rabbits had started and the number of recognised breeds has continued to grow since. Rabbits make excellent pets and are very popular with children. They are most active at sunrise and sunset and are sociable creatures that live in large groups in the wild. They are also intelligent creatures and are readily trained (see Issue 13 of Pet Focus and our feature on clicker training rabbits). The majority of the house rabbit diet should be composed of grass hay (any variety) which is rich in Vitamin A and D as…show more content…
The customers are the main focus in every business a company has. As the carrot cake is a new product on the market, the brand will focus on all the categories of customers: suspects, prospects, clients and advocates. The customers will create either a good or a bad reputation and for that they are the most important part. The competitors, either direct or indirect are also important as they are the main challenge in order to have success on the pet food market. As it is a new concept, it is harder to get in the market but with a good strategy the launch will be successful and the product will have a positive response from customers. The retailers are also a big focus for the company. Direct or indirect retailers are important because the product reaching to the customers and the selling part depends on them. The Strategy • Use all social media to make the product well-known • Gain media coverage in pet magazines • Persuade potential customers to buy the product by its characteristics • Launch the product on the market as a vegetarian product • Create a website with information about the product and offer…show more content…
Practitioners can demonstrate the insightful and creative PR can both indirectly and directly generate business leads, opportunities and sales. However, a corporate reputation management grows in importance; B2B PR is gaining credibility and being seen as an overarching discipline within which other marketing communication disciplines sit. Many PR practitioners argue that they should be responsible for the communication strategy at board level and marketers should carry out tactical activities to support the

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