Examples Of Propaganda In The Book 1984 By George Orwell

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In the Book “1984” by George Orwell, the people of Oceania are so oblivious and so controlled by “Big Brother” that don’t even know whats truly going on. The book 1984 consist of a persuasive government or party that tries to brainwash the people of Oceania to love and believe in everything Big Brother says. Not only the fact that they try and brainwash the people, the party is constantly watching everyone and everything they do. Along with showing propaganda and only things they want the citizens of Oceania to know they have telescreens which are around everywhere presenting propaganda supporting big brother. So then We ask ourself are we living in a current day “1984” ? Our current day lifestyle and society is so secluded from certain things.…show more content…
Just like in the book “1984” they had no exact truth of what was going on because they were always watching those telescreens and other propaganda that eventually convinced them to fall for Big Brother because they knew no better. We are clueless on what’s really going on, but do many even care to know? With technology advancing quick there are many new gadgets and features on smart phones, computers, tv’s and even cars that are so easy to be tracked. Our modern day cell phones are like telesecreens, they persuade us to believe certain things we see on the web, or on other social media sites. They can easily be tracked and the government can see everything you are doing and even navigation in your car or on your phone, you could be being tracked and you don't even know it. Especially the newer technology makes it way easier and scary at the fact that you don't have very much privacy. Its almost like “Big Brother” is really watching you. Besides all that, we a currently in a time of war and have been on and off since WW2. So like the the party slogans in the “1984”, “war is peace” is just a slogan meaning that in order

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