Tokugawa Shogunate Research Paper

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The Tokugawa Shogunate era, also known as the Edo period brought a time of peace that provided benefits such as economically and socially in Japan. The era began after a ruler by the name of Tokugawa Ieyasu who took out a coalition of daimyo defenders of the heir and proceeded with building his own government. The progression of peace brought by the Tokugawa Shogunate led to growth socially and economically. Peaceful times increased the population from about 30 million people by 1800 and as a result, the Tokugawa shoguns froze the social status to maintain its stability. Laws were placed for each class for what was permitted and not permissive. For example, the Nobles were restricted from strolling through the streets regardless of the time of the day…show more content…
The economic growth played a significant role during the era of the Tokugawa where trading and capitalism developed. Markets began to flourish among river crossing and entrances to temples and shrines; furthermore, traders and artisans dealt with products such as comb makers, sesame oil producers/metalworkers. The rise of capitalism led to the cash economy where the Japanese success of large amounts of accumulated money was invested in factories, technological enterprises, and growing businesses that also opened the expansion of wage labor. Many towns grew rapidly through the series of economic changes done throughout Japan that people like underemployed farmers and samurai had their share of prosperity in the seventeenth century. Kyoto became the city for the manufacture of goods such as lacquer, brocade, and fine porcelain while, “Osaka was the chief market, especially for rice.” The tremendous economic developments created two hundred fifty towns with the majority of towns carrying in the range of 3,000 to 20,000 peace while towns like Hiroshima, Kagoshima, and Nagoya had between 65,000 and 100,000 people. Overall,

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