What Is Growing Up To Me Essay

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Growing up was extraordinary for me. My family moved all the way from Turkey to the United States just so I could acquire a chance at college education and take on opportunities to thrive. The experiences I have gone throughout my life have shaped who I am today. Growing up from a family that consists of hardworking, caring, and loving people, I did not necessarily acquire the resources needed to grow intellectually. The opportunities I received coming to America taught me to never take my education for granted. Being a first-generation college student and from a low-income family has me in substantial need of financial assistance. Although my parents try to support as best as they can, there is still limited assistance with having a family of twelve. Even though education is a extremely valuable to my family, I want my parents to be unconcerned about supporting my college education and to not have them endure any more burdens on their shoulders. While facing numerous challenges, I endeavor to support myself by working on campus whilst balancing being a full-time student. As a freshman double majoring in political science and linguistics with minors in Arabic and communications, I…show more content…
I come from a family of hardworking, caring, and loving people. My family moved all the way from Turkey to the United States just so I could have a good education and have opportunities to thrive in. The opportunities I was given taught me to never take my education for granted. I am from a Somali background, but I was born in Saudi Arabia. I also lived in Syria and Turkey, all before the age of 9. After that we came to America for a better life. In each of those countries, I learned about the way the community lived, what food they ate, and just experienced how the others lived their lives. I am so blessed to be able to experience all that so young. It taught me a lot about diversity and
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