How Do You Affect Your Life

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Very often in our lives we have to make decisions about changing our lives, moving to new places and starting a new life. Such decisions influence children more than adults. Usually it is more difficult for a child to get used to a new surrounding, new people and new school. Communication is the essential part of our lives and due to this people can express their thoughts and ideas, share interests and get new information and experience. Due to some reasons it may be difficult for people to conduct communication in new surrounding and society, especially when it’s a foreign language society. Usually children feel uncomfortable and discouraged to speak in a foreign language as they are afraid of making mistakes and being laughed at because of that. This problem greatly influences kids’ lives as being…show more content…
But it was mentioned that during five months the girl didn’t talk at all. Only once during the recess period his excited pupils came to his and told that Maria started talking to them, she asked them questions and was interested in communication. From this result we may see that success was achieved and the progress appeared. Though it took a lot of time before the first results appeared but the efficiency of the teacher’s strategy appeared to be proved. But if I were a teacher I would try to use some strategies which presuppose some actual practice and activity for starting talking a new language. The sooner the children start trying – the better. Sometimes it is important to leave the zone of comfort and try to do the things which will help to get rid of the sense of lack of confidence. But nevertheless the fact stays: the strategies the teacher has chosen appeared to be effective and in the result the girl started her process of socialization and started taking part in the life of her class though it took her five
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