Karl Marx's Theory Of Socialism

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Socialism is based on an organisation of political economy that believes that the process of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned and controlled by the unabridged community. In the mid 19th century, German philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, established their own theory of socialism. This theory refers to the analysis of capitalistic class relationships between property owners, the worker and production, by using a materialist explanation of historical development and a dialectical interpretation of social transformation. In his work, Estranged Labour, as well as explaining how the concept of alienation affects a certain individual, there is also a predominant emphasis on the labourer’s predicament within the capitalist…show more content…
Capitalism’s foundation is based on the principle of private property, and therefore, work as a root of location and identity is greatly undermined. People deprived of property, namely proletariats, are obliged to relinquish their industrious labour as well as their embodiment as humans, to the factory owners and the affluent capitalists. This does not only lead to the workers being intrinsically dissatisfied and frustrated, but also turns them against the capitalists. Inevitably, Marx thus saw it as a model doomed to failure. He criticises the industrial capitalist society, declaring that not only are the working class “slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois state” (Marx) but they are also “daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself”. It is evident here that Marx condemns industrial capitalism, going even further by comparing the proletarians as being “organised like soldiers” in a crowded factory, their extensive work resulting in a loss of individual character. In Estranged Labour, Marx states that “labour is external to the worker… it does not belong to his intrinsic nature; that is in work, therefore, he does not affirm himself but denies himself, does not feel content but unhappy, does not develop freely… but mortifies his body and ruins his mind” (Estranged, 81). It is evident that Marx believes the alienation of the worker will lead to his labour becoming “an object… something alien to him… a power on its own confronting him” (Estranged,
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