The Importance Of Separation Of Powers In The United States

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Why is the “Separation of Powers” as important today as it was when the Founders wrote the U.S. Constitution? Tyranny is man’s greatest enemy. All humans have natural rights that the government protects, but without a very important principle, an absolute monarchy would be inevitable and destroy these rights. The “Separation of Powers” principle is the most crucial idea of the United States’ government. This states that the government’s powers are split into three branches: the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. There is an intricate set of checks and balances in place to ensure that every decision is at least somewhat agreed upon by the branches. When the Founders wrote the Constitution, they put these rules in place to protect, themselves, and all the people, from a tyrannical monarch, and although people are not concerned about a monarchy anymore, the “Separation of Powers” is as important today as it was then because the…show more content…
For many years, the colonies were under the rule of Britain, where they were taxed unfairly. The colonists asked for representation in Parliament, and it wasn’t given even a minute of consideration. After the colonies fully separated, it was pertinent that the new government not be taken over. Then, the Articles of Confederation were created to protect the country and used as America’s first Constitution. James Madison thought, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, judiciary, in the hands, of whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny… (L)iberty requires that the three great departments of power should be separate and distinct.” And thus, the “Separation of Powers” principle was born and important in their lives, to protect the citizens for millennia. As valuable as it was then, it is a principle of great significance

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