Waves Lab

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Waves lab Research question How do optically different liquids ( in this experiment vinegar, water, coke, oil ), change the angle of refraction on a single laser ray? Independent variable In this experiment I will compare vinegar, water, coke and oil. Dependent variable Angle of the laser ray that will be refracted in the experiment. Controlled variable To make the experiment fair, I need to control the temperature of the liquids. Because if the temperature is changing, the solubility will change. How much amount of the liquid is used should also be controlled, so that the amount of the liquid doesn’t change the laser ray, which will ruin the experiment. I should also control how and that I put the optically different liquids in same sized…show more content…
When the ray crosses an optically denser material, it bends towards the normal, but if it passes an optically rarer material, it bends away from the normal. What I will be investigating is, how the laser’s refraction changes in different optical liquids. The tendency of a light ray to bend one angle or another is dependent whether the light wave speeds up or slows down when crossing the boundary. The importance in the world for the refraction, is that most of today’s entertainment is based on the refraction process. Screens are made possible by the lens, an object that depend on the refraction of the light ray. This is a very important device for us, as today many jobs and important things depend on it. A fisherman's use for refraction is, allows them to see that the fish are not located where they appear, if they are seen through the water surface. And the refraction in the electromagnetic radiation are important as, the GPS signals are dependent on the atmospheric refraction. This is called Refraction. Personally, this interests me personally, as most of this generation are using the screens for more than 3 hours a day. Refraction also interests me because in my opinion, it is a very fun topic to research and experiment how the refraction is made, as most of this generation uses it for more than 3 hours. Which gives me a will to research what really happens with refraction when the human eye looks at

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