Unit 4 Ps4-1

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I. Subject and Grade Level: 4th Grade, Science II. Topic: Waves III. Standards: State: 4-PS4-1. Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move. 4-PS4-3. Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information. National: 4-PS4-1. Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength and that waves can cause objects to move. 4-PS4-3. Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information. IV. Measurable Objectives: • Given a lesson on pitch, students will be able to define the term pitch with 90% accuracy. • Given a lesson on pitch, students will be able to list two reasons for changes…show more content…
What is different about these two notes? (Play one really high note and one really low note) These two notes have a different pitch. Pitch is the “highness” or “lowness” of a sound. Pitch is related to the speed of the vibrations. Did you notice the foot hitting the string when I pressed the piano key? That vibration is creating a longitudinal sound wave. If you remember back to our last lesson, frequency is the amount of waves that pass by a certain point in one second. With sound waves, the higher the frequency, which is created by faster vibrations, the higher sound the note will be. If the frequency of the sound wave is low, then the vibrations are slower, creating a low sounding note. Watch and listen as I play the notes again. Today we are going to be learning about sound waves and pitch.” • Return to classroom to continue lesson. IX. Guided Practice (Activity Source: Sun, Gould, and Ji, n.d.) • Divide the class into four groups. Before passing out materials be sure to inform the students to leave the materials on their desks untouched until otherwise instructed. • Give each group a full water bottle, half-full water bottle, an empty water bottle and a metal spoon. Each student should also have a copy of the “Pitch Perfect Experiment Sheet” (Sun, Gould, and Ji, n.d.). • Instruct the students to write their name and date at the top of their worksheet, and follow along as you read the paragraph at the…show more content…
Did you notice that the bottles with more water made lower sounds and the bottles with less water made higher sounds? The bottles that had more water slowed the vibrations of the bottle and slower vibrations mean lower pitch. The bottle could vibrate a lot quicker with less water and faster vibrations mean higher pitch. What differences did you notice when tapping the bottles with the spoon versus blowing across the top of the bottle? The sounds were different because tapping the bottle with the spoon caused the bottle to vibrate, whereas blowing across the top caused the air inside the bottle to

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