Volleyball Comparison

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Madison Grant vs. Frankton My 7th grade year of volleyball was honestly really good. We had a lot of talent in 7th grade. We practiced on the off seasons, we did everything that we thought that was going to make us better. We tried hard in practice, and we usually didn’t give up. Our goal was to go undefeated the whole season, to win Madison County, and to win CIC. We really believed in ourselves at the time. and practiced hard so we could accomplish those goals. Last year, about this time was when we played Madison Grant. We played them in Madison County and during school ball. We played them at their place, and lost. We were told that the game was at 5:30. We got to Madison Grant about 4:45 ish. So all of us were warming up and getting changed, when the coach from Madison Grant came up to us. She said “ Game will be starting in 5 minutes.” My team wasn't even close to being ready or warm.…show more content…
Saying that we should’ve been here on time and that it wasn't their fault, Kaylie just walked away. So we got stretched and tried to warm up as fast as possible. But honestly we weren’t stretched at all, and we all kinda knew that we were going to play horrible because they told us the wrong time and we didn’t have enough time to get
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