Essay On Ecological Footprint In Namibia

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Maintain Ecological footprint in Namibia The ecological footprint in Namibia has become an issue to which people destroy the environment necessary and unnecessary in order to fulfil their desires. In Namibia the ecological footprint is composed of housing footprint, carbon footprint and the footprint. What those activities we do practice that increases the ecological footprint in our country are some of the view that we have to know. Now let’s come together and fight to overcome or minimise the ecological footprint in the nation, this is for the future generation. Many people define the term ecological footprints in different opinions according to what effect and good doe’s ecological footprint has. The Ecological footprint is the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water, food consumption, electricity use required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. An Ecological footprint measures the supply of and demand on nature, represent the productive area required to provide the renewable resource humanity is using. According to the reporters; ecological footprint is used widely as a management and communication tool by the government, business, educational institutions and non-government…show more content…
we can reduce the ecological footprint by doing the followings: when we need food, we at least have to buy organic or locally-grown food as it takes less energy for the food to travel from the farm to your table, we can plant a garden as by doing this you cut down on pollution from shipping, fertilizers, packaging and your food becomes fresher. Another way, avoid using plastic bags, bring your own bag shopping. Plastic is among the most toxic materials on our planet and they do not degrade store or reuse plastic and to the diet: eat less meat and dairy as you can get protein from other

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