Video Game Analysis

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The technology world develops so quickly and dramatically and it did not pass a lot of time since first computers, which were huge and committed only several functions. Nowadays our computers are small and portable and can there are a plenty of software that allows a person to have a huge range of useful functions or create fantastic piece of work on their devices, but for me, the most exciting things are games. Games may be created either by a team of people with skills or one person, the developers may have lots of resources or do not have at all but at the end, they create whole worlds with own rules, characters and stories from nothing, by simply putting together images and code, in other words, they allow us not only read a story or…show more content…
I thought then that when I grow up I will recreate the game so I will really like it even if I will do it only for myself and not for financial success. It was not just a thought or dream, I started researching straightway. I downloaded a book C++ for Dummies and started to learn the language. I did not go far with it as it was a start of my education in England, so I really had to study hard as I have never studied the language before but at my A level I had a chance to learn a few more language and actually create some programs in it. I did a pong game in Python, tried a story based game in VB.Net and now I am working on Idle game in Swift for my course work, learning completely new language by…show more content…
I participated in a music band as a guitar player before coming to England where we learnt and played old rock songs in my previous school. It was a great experience as I learnt how to work in team and communicate with people effectively as we had to choose songs and decide who is playing what. It also helped to improve my time management as I had to prepare for exams and learn new songs at the same time. I also attended psychological trainings in Ukraine where we was taught useful skills such as time management, public speaking and many more others. I also had to take a role of a team leader very often as we had team activities that forced me to make decisions and solve different kind of problems that were set for us. The feedback of my participation and the results of our team was almost always very
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