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Being at the age where I am able to do things more independently, I must be aware of what I can do to keep me safe. Whether it’s staying home alone, going shopping with my friends, or even taking a walk, I have to constantly be alert of my surroundings. The most common time I am unsupervised would be when I am home alone. Being home alone comes with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of things that can go wrong. One thing I do to make sure I am safe is lock all the doors, windows, etc. This makes a break-in harder, and more noticeable. Another thing I do is I carry around a panic button. This is a necklace with a button that silently contacts the police to come immediately when pressed. If there were to be a break-in I would press this button…show more content…
When we are at the mall, I make sure to be attentive of people around me. This is because incase someone is following us, or someone looks suspicious I can make sure to either get away or go to a police officer. Another thing I can do to try to ensure that I am as safe as possible is that I can stay with my friends and not go anywhere alone. A way I could improve on my safety at the mall would be to stay near other people, and not go off into areas that look “abandoned”. These types of areas are where the most kidnapping, rape, etc. are bound to…show more content…
As I progress as a skater it is easier to get injured. All though there is not gear for figure skating, I can stay safe by not doing anything I don’t know how to properly do, or push my physical limits. I can be guilty of pushing my limits to the point where I get hurt, which I could stop doing and help me be safe. Another sport I can make sure that I stay safe while playing is lacrosse. Lacrosse does have specific gear, which I need to make a priority to wear while playing. This is crucial in tournaments where everyone plays more aggressively. I have gotten injured from not properly wearing my mouth guard, and I am very remorseful for this. I go to Greece every summer, and my parents now let me walk down to the beach with my sixteen year-old cousin. To make sure that I do not drown or get hurt, I need to remember to not eat less than fifteen minutes before I go swimming. Another way that I can make sure that I don’t drown is that I only go places where I can stand. I am also allowed to do water sports without parental supervision. Something I can do to make sure that I don’t get hurt is to remember to always wear my life vest. I can improve my safety on the water when I am boats I can wear life vests, apposed to
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