Persuasive Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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In the United States, the age eighteen is considered to be the legal age for one to be considered as an adult. Moreover, it is the beginning of the adulthood which gives an adult countless of responsibilities and activities of things that they can do. At the age of eighteen, an adult has the rights and responsibilities of the following: voting, marriage, signing contracts, joining the military, and paying bills, just to name a few. Furthermore, an eighteen-year-old adult is given much greater responsibilities of very important decisions. But, they do not have the right to drink at that age. Many have argued that the drinking age should not be lower. However, I think the legal age for drinking should be lowered to eighteen. With the major responsibilities that are placed upon an eighteen-year-old adult; they should be allowed to have a drink too. Just about most teenagers look forward to…show more content…
These rights and responsibilities that are given to an eighteen-year-old can be done without the parents’ consent. Not only that, an eighteen-year-old has the same right and responsibilities as a twenty-one-year-old. The only difference is that an eighteen-year-old can’t buy beer or alcohol until the age of twenty-one. The rights and responsibilities that are given to an eighteen-year-old are much greater than drinking. For one, a person can drink in the privacy of their home and have a designated driver to take them safely home. Therefore, why not allow them to drink at that age too? Aren’t eighteen considered to be a legal age? This is more than enough reasons why the legal age should be lower for drinking. If the young adults are given all of these rights and responsibilities at their age; then they should be given the right to drink too. The legal age for drinking should be lower due to the rights and responsibilities that an eighteen-year-old

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