Unemployment Impact On Health

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The objective of this article, The Impact of Unemployment on Health a Review of the Evidence is to review the scientific proof supporting an association between unemployment and opposing health results and to evaluate the evidence on the basis of the epidemiologic criteria for causation. The issues which will be discussed are the impact of unemployment on health in Canada which is death due to cardiovascular diseases, suicide, deaths due to motor-vehicle accidents and alcohol consumption. High level of unemployment was caused by the recession in Canada. Unemployment has been a prominent issue, yet the possible adversative impact on the physical and mental health of the people has generally received pint-sized attention in…show more content…
Cardiovascular diseases and suicide are the precise reasons of death most often studied. Heart disease arose as a result that unemployment cause’s stress and may be a dangerous factor for heart disease. Based on the article, fatal heart disease occurs mainly in older adults. These causes of death were frequently found in the midst of the British cohort of unemployed men. Amount of death due to stroke have also been inspected. Based on the article, they initiate a strong correlation between rates of death due to stroke and unemployment among men. Heart diseases were rarely found in women. Another sign of stress is sleep disturbance. This has been experienced by many of the workers. This can be a future impact of unemployment in Malaysia if the rate…show more content…
In the United States, it is said to be found that this negative impact is mostly among young men. The authors in this articles suggested that the cause of poorer attention to safe driving is due to the stress of joblessness. Unemployed people are said to have psychological distress, anxiety or depressive symptoms, and current health problems. In the article, there was a case were a cohort of 310 men went jobless when a ball bearings manufacturer shut down during the 1981-82 recession. There was also another case in Canada which has been stated in the article where the effect of closure of the Toronto plant of Canadian General Electric in 1984 had a great impact on the stress of the workers. It was said that the stress level was greater than or equal to divorce. The workers of the Canadian General Electric had worked at the plant for 14 years. The 400 laid-off workers were mainly male, well skilled and well paid. Based on the cases which have been stated in the article, the workers in Malaysia who have lost their job and are still unemployed will also go through the same things which are psychological, anxiety, and depression and so on. Moreover, people with lower socioeconomic status has arose job loss significantly and more

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