The Importance Of Community Policing

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As stated by Ferguson and Whisenand (2002), community policing is about how crime and disorder can be reduced in small geographic areas by carefully studying characteristics of problems in the area and then applying the appropriate resources. More generally, problem solving is community participation in the identification and resolution of a problem. According to Rosenbaum et al. (2011), it is the notion that the police and community must work together to identify and solve neighbourhood problem. Police mostly need to identify the root causes of problems and respond to them. As Oliver (2008), in commu-nity policing, the proactive approach to crime and social disorder gains its rightful place. It also needs an anticipation of possible crimes…show more content…
Often times, police tend to adopt a professional police perspective in interpreting a problem and is not taking sufficient emphasis in listening to the needs of the community, which often cause a certain degree of al-ienation between the police and the community. Therefore, the police and the community should com-municate on an equal level. The police should share with the community and vice versa through differ-ent channels, such as community meetings, media and public release via the Internet. As to Scott (2002), by making itself more accessible to citizens, it seems that the police have the capacity to produce solidarity, confidence and effectiveness within their respected communities. 2.8. Strategies of Community Policing The strategy of community policing is defined as “ensuring the needed changes occur to guarantee vi-sion attainment” (Ferguson & Whisenand, 2002, P. 16).The following are important strategies of com-munity policing (South Africa, Department of Safety and Security, 2007; Steven, 2003): • Promotion and enhancement of inter-police agency co-operation (or with other bodies perform-ing policing functions) and the fostering of inter-departmental co-operation in respect of solv-ing crime related…show more content…
In any society the police interact with the communities they serve and the community relies upon the police to help in emergencies and curb disorder. The police rely on the community to report crime and provide important information that is necessary to address community concerns and solve crime. In recent decades, the scope of this relationship has expanded. The police and the community have begun to expect more from each other as they increasingly realize they must actively work as partners (Mekuriaw and Mulugeta,

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