Types Of Gamblers

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Types of gamblers Gambling embraces the essence of risk taking in return for something of greater value. Individuals can derive excitement, entertainment, monetary, and social values from participating in gambling activities. The motives for gambling may differ significantly among the various types of players and across the various forms of gambling products. Classified gamblers into six categories based on their purpose of gambling: a) Social gamblers: they play for fun and are not personally affected by their wins or losses. b) Professional players: who gamble as a career and play for money but are tolerant with losses. c) Antisocial gamblers: whose only purpose is winning and therefore might cheat to ensure winning. d) Serious social gamblers:…show more content…
The first three motives are the most important. -Economic motives, researches claimed that one of the main reasons for gambling was to become wealthy. Most researchers have agreed that financial gain is a crucial factor impacting all gambling activities. -Social motives, another motive to gamble is social. Some gamblers like the company of other players and the human interaction and see it as an opportunity to interact with friends and family, especially true in games like card games. -Psychological motives, some gamblers find gambling an activity that relieves anxiety and stress. Research has found that such needs were less common among non-problem-gamblers and more common among problem gamblers. Self-determination theory This theory was originally used to examine various behavioural motivations such as work, leisure, and education. The theory suggests that gambling satisfies the gambler’s needs on intrinsic, extrinsic and amotivation levels. Intrinsic motives include fun, excitement, learning knowledge, and accomplishing something new result in higher levels of involvement and persistence and also greater satisfaction in gaming…show more content…
In general, the tendency of risk taking varies relative to individual’s variables like skill and abilities, perception of control, and the probability and magnitude of reward, and situational factors. Zaleskiewicz (1999) divided risk-taking behaviour into stimulating risk taking (SRT) and instrumental risk taking (IRT). He claimed that gambling was a typical SRT activity, because gamblers were motivated by the need to experience varied, novel, and complex sensations. While IRT behaviours were driven by exterior rewards and achievements, mostly found in financial investment activities. Weber et al. (1999) discovered that IRT affects investment decisions but not gambling behaviours, while SRT contributes to gambling and other general risk taking. Gamblers’ risk-taking behaviours were more related to immediate physiological arousal and thus tended to be rapid, effortless, and automatic. Researchers also suggested that the level of involvement in gambling is associated with probabilistic thinking. Gamblers who show less probabilistic thinking tend to be more overconfident toward gambling outcomes and thus are willing to take greater risks. Motivation from early experiences Some researchers have argued that compared with cognitive and affective factors, past behaviours posted the greatest influence on an individual’s continuing activities

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