Negative Effects Of Gambling

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A casino is a resource for gamblers and businessman, it is typically a building used to accommodate a myriad of gambling activities, they are more often than not accompanied by a nearby hotel, shopping centre and/or other means of income and tourism, in some cases they are within hotels. They can be placed anywhere and more commonly are placed in built up areas near many points of interest to allow attention to be drawn to them, allowing them to draw in tourists and many regular members. However, although commonly associated with built up areas it is not exclusive to these areas and you can also find them in many leisure and entertainment facilities for example restaurants, cinemas and in some cases freestanding shops. Some of these Casinos…show more content…
There are two main types of gambling that are deemed negative impacts of partaking in gambling, the first is pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is when a person is compulsively motivated to gamble according to the Collins English dictionary. In addition this means that the person gambling has an urge or constant feeling to raise the stakes or continue to chase their losses resulting in them being unable to leave unless they go bankrupt which is a common case. Legalised gambling has increased and so has the personal filings for bankruptcy in proportion to this researched by Jon E Grant, therefore there is believed to be a link between the two. Problem gambling also known as ludomania or gambling addiction. This is a compulsion to carry on gambling and is often encouraged by games that are quick to play and may result in quick games or quick stakes and the player may feel pressured to continue gaming. A report on 202 cases of gambling being reported and investigated shows one specific case, number 59 of Puerto Rico it was investigated in 1997. The case had a sample of people over the age of 18 and of varying background and was not exclusive to one town. The results show the questions were in relation to gambling in their lifetime. The results of the study show that males between the ages of 21-24, divorced or separated people, employed people or those of a household with an annual income of 50,000 US dollars were more
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